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Re: Valve Cover Vent Air Flow

Subject: Re: Valve Cover Vent Air Flow
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 17:54:25 -0500 (CDT)

My engine  is getting close to time to do an overhaul and it puts out
quite a bit of oil vapor also.

Howmany miles have you put on your new engine? When an engine is rebuilt
the rings don't seal well and need to be broken in. For the first bit,
say, 1000 miles, the blowby will decrease bit by bit. After that it
should stay low until the engine gets close to being worn out, then the
blowby will increase again.


- Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -

Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor/Future planner, CS Dept,
University of Texas, 1 University Station C0500,Austin, Tx. 78712-1188 USA
voice (512)471-9730, fax (512)471-8885,

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, thus spake wrote:

> Has anyone noticed how much air (oil fumes included) comes out of the 1600 
>valve cover vent? I noticed that there is a lot coming out of mine, at idle. I 
>know it is hard to discuss this without some measure of the flow rate. But I 
>would guess that it would fill a sandwich baggie in about 1 second (maybe I 
>should try this). Don't remember there being this much flow before I rebuilt 
>my engine.
> Anyway, would this be a way to measure the quality of "seating" between the 
>rings and cylinder walls??? (still troubleshooting my engine).
> Bob Wilson
> 1970 1600 stroker 28383

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