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Headlight Ring Trade?

To: "'Roadsters (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: Headlight Ring Trade?
From: Tom Hendricksen <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 17:16:50 -0800
Currently I have 4 headlight rings.  All shiny chrome only.  No dull

Both of my left rings have some rust on them.  Both are rechromable.
Both of my right side rings are essentially perfect.  Only a small rust
spot or two on the recessed mounting screw hole.  Nothing serious, and I
can touch it up
with black POR-15 if you wish.

I would like to find someone with a nice left ring that needs a nice
right ring and just trade rather than wait for something on eBay.  There
is a right ring currently on eBay that appears to be almost, or as nice
as the ring I have.

If you have a ring to trade, please contact me privately.  I can take
pictures if you wish.

69 2000

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