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The quick trip that wasn't....

Subject: The quick trip that wasn't....
From: Ryan Bird<>
Date: 29 Dec 2002 10:11:38 -0700
quick that is.

My mother and two sisters are in town this weekend, (town being Tempe, Az) and 
they wanted to go for a drive.  We all could not fit into our Minivan, so if we 
wanted to go anywhere as a group, we would have to take two cars.  I have an 
aunt and uncle south of Tucson, (Sauhuarita) but my sisters wanted to go 
someplace new, so Tombstone was the primary target with Sahuarita for dinner.

Somehow I talked my family to take the minivan and our kids, and my wife 
(artificial speed limiter) went with me in the roadster to Tombstone.

I knew it would be a long day, but it didn't dawn on me until we were almost to 
Tombstone how for a journey we had embarked on....  180 miles to Tombstone, 
primarily freeway.  Back roads to Sauhaurita.. 90 Miles...  Sauhuarita to home 
.. 120 Miles.  Our little day trip quickly turned into 400 miles.

My mother and sister switched with my wife during different segments.

The 1600 performed great, a bit cold on the way home, but not bad considering I 
have yet to install my heater.

Well, that should do it for my first full year of driving my roadster.  I have 
yet to finish putting the car together, but that should happen soon.  In the 
past twelve months I've put over 5,000 miles on the car, with the only real 
problems being ones that I caused.

Take care, and enjoy the ride!

Ryan Bird
Tempe, AZ
67 1600

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