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Re: question about vinyl interior

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: question about vinyl interior
From: mtyler <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:10:49 -0500 wrote

>> What type of glue should be used to install the interior vinyl kits? 
>> Should it be a spray mount type adhesive or something else? TIA.
>I would recommend a can of contact cement rather then a spray.  Cheaper and 
>neater.  Feel free to come on over anytime and I will show you the step by 
>step pics of my interior install.  It may save you some headaches.
 I would agree that brush applied contact cement will be neater.  I would 
recommend against using Home Depot type contact adhesive unless you live 
in Northern Europe like Thomas or Chris.  The widely available weldwood 
type contact cement lets go in the heat.  In fact it's fairly easy to 
debond pieces with a regular hair-dryer.  Look into trim shop and 
upholstery supplies for a neoprene or similar adhesive made for 
automotive purposes.  I've been using a 3M product (fastbond 30NF)  It is 
a water-based contact cement, but outsticks any solvent based glue I've 
used.  We tested it at ADI, an effects shop where i worked,  with heat 
(250deg oven) and water (soaking in a bucket overnight after curing. and 
it held on great!  You'll need to find a 3M distributor.

-Marc T

Marc Tyler
Animal Firm

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