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Re: Roadster parts on Ebay

Subject: Re: Roadster parts on Ebay
From: "Mike Adams" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:31:03 +0000
Well I guess we can all make observations -
and I'd like to share my thoughts as well.
The last three roadster (two were drivable)
I got were given to me -
So where does that put your good deals - Mike ?
Apply P.T.Barnum Quote to yourself.
In a free market - things are worth what
someone is willing to pay to get them and 
someone else is willing to let them go for.
Especially at auction. "caveat emptor" Well Duh !
I don't see where any judgements need to be made.
If in your opinion something is too high - don't bid on it
if it's a deal (in your opinion) - by all means go for it !   
I've purchased shop books on e-bay to give away as 
door prizes at club rally's - I figure it's my money,
I earned it and I can spend it as I please.  I don't 
have the time to go rummage around in the used 
book stores in Houston to try and find these books.  
The drive to the nearest one is 120 miles round trip.
E-bay comes right to my door !  
I haven't tried to sell any parts on e-bay yet -
but I hope to in the Fall - and I confess I have 
purchased some items which I felt were a good deals.
Mike Burr Auto
BTW - I'm going to be going out of state for a couple of
weeks starting Sat. evening - So if you plan on flaming 
me - do it quick.

>From: "datsunmike" <>
>To: "Mark Dent" <>,"
>I guess we can't make observations for fear that someone might be selling
>something. Well I hope you sell it but personally I don't care who sells it
>or who buys it but I am still allowed to share a thought.
>You still have 5 days to go, maybe someone will bid it up to $100. PT
>was right!!!!!!!!!!
>It doesn't only go for Roadster parts that I see bid up to stupid amounts
>money on Ebay but also parts for Miatas too and I did make a comment on the
>Miata site about that too but no one took offense. I have seen crappy stock
>headrest speakers sell for $50+ and it amazes me.
>Don't take it so personal, I was just making an observation - like the
>fuse box we all laughed about.
>The term caveat emptor has never been more important than on Ebay
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mark Dent" <>
>To: "datsunmike" <>; "Datsun Roadster List"

>> At 08:56 PM 6/29/01 -0400, datsunmike wrote:
>> >I can't believe how much money people will pay for some items. I see a
>> >boot rubber is bid up to 21.50 and you can buy it at the dealer for
>> Thanks guys.  I hope the high bidder goes through with it now.
>> You know sometimes it's guys on the list that have the stuff on Ebay
>> I have also been criticized for listing stuff there,  All of my stuff
>> starts at $1 with no reserve.  Some stuff goes for more than it's worth,
>> some less.
>> Mark
>> Baltimore Maryland
>> 1964 1500       1968 1600

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