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Re: <OT> $112 for a hot wheels car?

Subject: Re: <OT> $112 for a hot wheels car?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 21:01:56 +0000
I blew up a hot wheels with a bb gun 25 years ago.  A 
friend had a collectors guide the other day that showed 
that one for over $100.  I can't remember which one it 
was, but I do remember shooting it up.  If I could only 
go back and make a couple of wise investments now.

> In a message dated 11/20/00 10:57:30 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
> writes:
> > Why, Why, Why did I lose track of my hot wheels cars? I could have been
> >  rich!
> Makes ya wonder just how many you buried/burned/blew up over the years as a 
> kid eh? <G>
> Laurie :-)
> Working hard at trying to keep all my Hotwheels/MicroMachines nice while 
> STILL playing with them !
> PS: did anyone manage to keep ahold of their SST cars?!?!?!? 

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