I just whipped out my trusty Eastwood catalog to check the specs on the
buffers that they sell. They turn either 1800 or 3600 rpms. The lower
speed is for plastic, and the other is for everything else. My
father-in-law took an old electric motor that he had and put a buffing wheel
on it. It turns up just as fast (if not faster) than my 8" bench grinder,
and does just fine with buffing. At $30 you have not got a lot to lose
>From: "Victor Laury" <>
>Reply-To: "Victor Laury" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Grinders and polishers advice needed
>Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 11:09:31 -0800
>I've wanted multiple grinding and polishing arbors for some time now but
>have been put off by prices. Saturday, I bought a cheap 6'' grinder at
>Pick-and-Save for $30.00. This will do for the few times I need a grinder.
>But at $30.00, I was wondering if they would work as polishing arbors? At
>such a low price, I could buy two more and mount buffing wheels on them.
>They are 1/2 hp and turn 3450 rpm. Isn't this much too fast to turn a
>buffing wheel? Would a 8'' buff fly apart at this speed? I'd like to have
>two machines running a sisal, a flap, a spiral stitched and a loose buff.
>I'm also thinking of having a fourth machine to turn expansion wheels for
>Trizac media of 120 and 220 grit.
>Any Machine shop gurus out there to steer me away from a mistake?
>70 SRL 31113136
>Los Angeles