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Re: Brake drum diameter

Subject: Re: Brake drum diameter
From: Daniel E McHatton <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 07:42:00 -0700

I just read my email today, so I apologize if someone has already
answered your question.  My Clymer book says the orginal dimension for
the brake drums is 9".  My Chilton book says the drums should not be
turned beyond 0.04".  That leaves a final dimension of 9.04".  You should
probably replace both drums.  As for the pedal height, that's a different
adjustment.  The pedal free play is adjusted by adding or removing shims
between the master cylinder and the firewall.  According to Chilton's,
the free play should be between 0.31 and 0.47".  

Hope this helps.

On Sat, 04 Nov 2000 18:38:23 -0700 Nik Burns <> writes:
> Does anyone know what the brake drum diameter on a 1600 should be?  I 
> had
> the drums on my 66 and 69 measured, with the 66 coming out at 9.080" 
> and
> the 69 at 9.060".  I suspect the 9.080 is too much, as I have turned 
> the
> adjusters out to max, with all new parts on the rear, and the pedal 
> still
> goes to about 1 1/2" from the floorboard before there is any 
> resistance.
> The pedal on the 69 moves about 1" before I have resistance and that 
> can be
> changed with the rear brake adjusters.
> If anyone knows what the diameter is, please post it.
> Thanks,
> Nik

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