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Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)

Subject: Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 12:49:55 +0000
I had an employee, assistant manager at an auto repair 
shop no less, that had some oil problems of his own.  He 
showed up several hours late one day.  He told me a long 
story of how Ford quality had gone down hill.  
Apparently his oil gauge broke and not five minutes 
later his engine locked up.  I had to let him go. 
> I own a pizza shop in a small town in Australia, only a small shop with
> 4 employees. I have been operating pizza shops for about 14 years, over
> those years I have hired many people, I used to think I was reasonably
> good at selecting staff members but the events of the last few weeks is
> making me re-think my selection process. Here's a couple of examples of
> the inteligence they possess-
> One of my pizza delivery drivers, an 18 year old female, was in her
> friend's car, her friend decided that she needed to re-fuel so she
> pulled into a petrol station (or gas station as you guys insist on
> calling them). Her friend got out and started to fill the tank, my
> employee was standing next to her discussing whatever it is that 18 year
> old girls talk about. At about this time my employee thinks to herself
> "Hey, I might light a cigarette!".
> The resulting explosion destroyed half the petrol station and one car,
> but somehow both employee and friend survived, but both recieved nasty
> burns and will be in hospital for quite a while.
> Another employee, also an 18 year old female pizza delivery driver, was
> at work one night when she casually says "My car is really annoying
> me!". Against my better judgement I asked her why her car was annoying
> her, "because it smells funny, that's why!". I asked what kind of smell
> it was and she said that it was a "funny burning smell". I went out to
> her car and sure enough it didn't smell too good. I asked her if she had
> checked her oil lately, she said she hadn't been able to check her oil
> lately because the bonnet (hood) release cable had broken and she
> couldn't open the bonnet, but she knew that the oil was low. I said to
> her it isn't so low that the oil light is coming on is it? She said that
> "the light was only coming on when you go up a hill, but for the last
> couple of days it has been on nearly all the time!" I fixed her cable so
> she could now open the bonnet and check the fluids.
> It has actually worked out quite well, the engine now rattles so much
> that you can hear her coming from about 1/2 a mile away, it gives me
> time to get her next delivery ready!
> Alan Bent  -  Flaxton, Queensland, Australia
> 1966 Fairlady SP311-01060   - *  1965 Silvia  CSP311-70231
> 1966 Fairlady  SP311-00925  - *  1964 Fairlady  4-SP310-00134
> 1964 Fairlady  4-SP310-00134 * 1964 Cedric Wagon  4-WP31-50620
> 1963 Bluebird  P312-3-32984   * 1963 Bluebird  P312-3-39741
> 1963 Cedric  G31-3-07024       * 1964 Cedric Wagon  4-WP31-51579
> 1969 Super Six  G130-005415  *
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