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Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)

Subject: Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 07:56:57 EDT
Is it me, or are there an inordinate amount of explosions occurring "Down 


>From: Gordon Glasgow <>
>Reply-To: Gordon Glasgow <>
>To: roadster list <>
>Subject: Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)
>Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:09:38 -0700
>Alan, what the hell are you putting in those pizzas?  ;-)
>Alan Bent wrote:
> > I own a pizza shop in a small town in Australia, only a small shop with
> > 4 employees. I have been operating pizza shops for about 14 years, over
> > those years I have hired many people, I used to think I was reasonably
> > good at selecting staff members but the events of the last few weeks is
> > making me re-think my selection process. Here's a couple of examples of
> > the inteligence they possess-
> > One of my pizza delivery drivers, an 18 year old female, was in her
> > friend's car, her friend decided that she needed to re-fuel so she
> > pulled into a petrol station (or gas station as you guys insist on
> > calling them). Her friend got out and started to fill the tank, my
> > employee was standing next to her discussing whatever it is that 18 year
> > old girls talk about. At about this time my employee thinks to herself
> > "Hey, I might light a cigarette!".
> > BANG!
> > The resulting explosion destroyed half the petrol station and one car,
> > but somehow both employee and friend survived, but both recieved nasty
> > burns and will be in hospital for quite a while.
> > Another employee, also an 18 year old female pizza delivery driver, was
> > at work one night when she casually says "My car is really annoying
> > me!". Against my better judgement I asked her why her car was annoying
> > her, "because it smells funny, that's why!". I asked what kind of smell
> > it was and she said that it was a "funny burning smell". I went out to
> > her car and sure enough it didn't smell too good. I asked her if she had
> > checked her oil lately, she said she hadn't been able to check her oil
> > lately because the bonnet (hood) release cable had broken and she
> > couldn't open the bonnet, but she knew that the oil was low. I said to
> > her it isn't so low that the oil light is coming on is it? She said that
> > "the light was only coming on when you go up a hill, but for the last
> > couple of days it has been on nearly all the time!" I fixed her cable so
> > she could now open the bonnet and check the fluids.
> > It has actually worked out quite well, the engine now rattles so much
> > that you can hear her coming from about 1/2 a mile away, it gives me
> > time to get her next delivery ready!
> > Alan Bent  -  Flaxton, Queensland, Australia
> > 1966 Fairlady SP311-01060   - *  1965 Silvia  CSP311-70231
> > 1966 Fairlady  SP311-00925  - *  1964 Fairlady  4-SP310-00134
> > 1964 Fairlady  4-SP310-00134 * 1964 Cedric Wagon  4-WP31-50620
> > 1963 Bluebird  P312-3-32984   * 1963 Bluebird  P312-3-39741
> > 1963 Cedric  G31-3-07024       * 1964 Cedric Wagon  4-WP31-51579
> > 1969 Super Six  G130-005415  *
> > Early Datsun Homepage
> > Nissan Silvia Homepage
> > Planet Cedric        
>Gordon Glasgow


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