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Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)

To: "Gordon Glasgow" <>,
Subject: Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)
From: "fredkatz" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:35:14 -0700
Ha-ha, could be the pizzas! Speaking of encounters with brain dead
18-year-olds, a long time ago I was a signmaker working my way through
school. Often-times I had to supervise newbies to the trade. One time I'm
training this 18-year-old kid how to push sheet metal through a table saw
blade. He worked there for 6 months so it wasn't like he was new to the
shop. His hand got pretty close to the blade so I got on his case about
watching his hand next time. So he ends up running his other hand into the
blade. I took him to the hospital, and he was lucky that he only needed a
half dozen stitches and didn't lose his thumb. I asked him why he didn't do
what I told him. He said "oh, I thought you meant I was only supposed to
watch my RIGHT hand."

I told the boss he ought to let the kid go, but help is hard to find so the
boss kept him. After two more incidents with this kid and power tools, where
I wasn't the one watching him, I quit and worked elsewhere. (Picture
sawteeth zinging into the wall 6 inches from my head, actually happened!)

I started working with power tools as a teenager, under guidance from my Dad
and his friends. They taught me safety first. Always thinking that when
working on the roadsters! Here's a question for the list: How many of you
work on your carbs with unhooked fuel lines or open fuel bowls, while in a
closed garage? Your water heater, furnace, or clothes dryer pilot light can
act like that cigarette in Alan's story. Bang! Happened to my next-door
neighbor where I used to live, half his building burned (luckily nobody got


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Glasgow" <>
To: "roadster list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: My employees are brain dead (no Roadster content)

> Alan, what the hell are you putting in those pizzas?  ;-)
> --
> Gordon Glasgow

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