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Re: Gas Out!

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Gas Out!
From: Taylor Hutt <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:20:57 -0800 wrote:
> > Pass this on.  If it works like it did last time we will be a lot better
> > off then we are now . . .  $1.55 a gallon is ridiculous!
> >
> > Gas out #2
> >
> > Last year on April 30.1999, a gas out was staged across America to bring
> > the price of gas down, and it worked. It's time to do something about it
> > again. Only this time lets make it for THREE days instead of just ONE!
> > The so-called oil cartel decided to slow production to drive up gasoline
> > prices.  Lets see how many American people we can get to ban together for
> > a THREE DAY period in April, NOT TO BUY ANY GASOLINE, during those three
> > days!   LETS HAVE A GAS OUT!   Do not buy any gasoline from
> > APRIL 7, 2000, THROUGH APRIL 9, 2000.   Buy what you need BEFORE the
> > dates listed above, or after, but try not to buy any during the GAS OUT.
> >
> > If you want to help, just send this to everyone you know and ask them to
> > do the same!   We brought the prices down once before, and we can do it
> > again!
> >
> > Come on America lets stand together . . . WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!!!!!
> >

1) Gas in the US is cheaper than anywhere else - by a long shot.  
   Quit your griping, we could stand to have a little reality check
   to jar us from our car-shackled lives.

2) This gas-out idea is silly.  It purports to 'send a message', but how
is it
   going to do that when it has absolutely zero impact on the
   companies?  It doesn't say 'skip a tank', it actually says to get gas
   day before or the day after.  Just exactly how is maintaining the
   of the petrochemical companies at the same level going to teach them

3) The only way to reduce our already cheap gas rates is to begin
   to alternative fuels in large numbers.  However, due to the structure
   our society (urban work, suburban living and no good mass transit),
   just isn't going to happen with a 'gas out'.

Ok, I feel a bit better now.

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