Sorry, I'm clueless on this but how much are hardtops like the one described
going for?
Blue Skies & Calm Waters,
David A. Fox [SRL311-04646]
Orlando, FL
Voice: 407.384.3711 (work)
Pager: 407.887.0481
----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Hardtop for sale
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 08:17:27 -0600
Even though I live in Illinois and should have need for a hardtop, I dont.
My roadster only has a softtop to hold up my car cover in the winter in its
heated garage and the off chance that I didn't check the forcast before
leaving for a day trip. As a result, I really dont need my hardtop. It
is the more angular type with good 3/4 windows, not portholes. The outside
is fake leathergrain. I think it needs the rubber seal around the back
but, as I recal, it is ok around the windows. I can sell it with or
without the latches as that will alter the price somewhat. Also, the
shipping is your dime but I would be happy to meet you somewhere if you are
close to Chicago.
I would also be willing to barter. A 44mm solex aircleaner or solex cam
would be real nice. OK, I dream a lot. Make me an offer. It is on top
of my lawn mower in my shed and I will need it in April.
John Schmitt Telecommuter Office # - 847-458-7829
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