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'99 Shasta video

To: <>
Subject: '99 Shasta video
From: "J Friederich" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:30:47 -0700
Hello all -

I was the guy walking around with a camcorder on a Stedicam, and there is
quite a nice (if I do say so myself) video ready for general consumption.
Please keep in mind this covers the 'Roadster only' stuff -
the 'Modesto coast' on Friday, the 'Show 'n Shine' on Saturday, and the
banquet on Saturday night.  At 40 minutes, it is twice as long as I like
videos to be, but didn't want to leave out anyones car...  if you were at
these events, your car (and possibly you) will be in it.  Feel free to use
the fast-forward button on your VCR remote.

$18 will cover all expenses including postage, and make a very small
'donation' to help support my heavy digital video gadget addiction.  All
tapes will be VHS unless otherwise requested.  I've got a few ready to ship
now, otherwise the remainder will ship next week after receiving a supply of
tapes and mailers I've ordered.

If you are interested, Email me directly so as not to take up list
bandwidth, thanks...

-John Friederich
'69 2000 Solex, yellow

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