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RE: antifreeze, electrical, Mt.Shasta, compression, etc.

Subject: RE: antifreeze, electrical, Mt.Shasta, compression, etc.
From: "Dan Neff" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 13:38:31 MDT
Thanks all for the replies on the antifreeze. 

My experience: after I had a water pump go out in less than 2 yrs
(in a '80 510 - not flushed), plus the sticker shock from replacing
the pump on my pre-Roadster-toy (Honda Goldwing), I became a big
believer of regular changes. 
(btw, i have it done for disposal purposes. well, maybe a tad o'

Anyway, i called my mechanic on this, and he told me they have some 
new tester gadget now that tests antifreeze condition for several
things, including pH (ref: discussion on antifreeze turning acidic
after time). 

Has anyone heard of such a tester?

Meanwhile.. hhhm... since I'm delurking.. My Roadster's running like
a top, altho cold-starting has gotten harder in the last few months..
I imagine my SU's (bushings) are going from bad to worse, or a choke
cable slipped (I need to check! doh!).. 
   Will also check electrical as per eric gilbert's 18 Jul post.
components are ALL pretty new, but maybe a quick wire swap WOULD be 
a good idea.

You guys 'bout scared me out of thinking about Mt.Shasta next 
summer. 100+ degree heat with a black interior and no A/C?? I don't
think so. Plus all those GORGEOUS Roadsters? 
"Uh, where's the primer parking lot?" :) 

On compression: isn't altitude a factor? Here up at 6,400ft, I'm 
told my 120# on all 4 are great!

Dan Neff   '69 2000
Colorado Springs,CO

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