Take your time if you are going to install you own top. When I did mine about
a year ago it took me a week of evenings. I started at the rear and placed
one snap on at a time, one on one side and then one on the other. Be sure to
put the adjusters in the car (the ones behind the seats) in the low position.
Try to duplicate installation to original, there is a reason for the back most
"twists", without them the top may tend to pop the snaps loose. The make of
my top was a low grade one too, it came to me with a parts car. Even though
the fit is not the best because of the manufacture, it keeps me dry should I
get caught in the rain.
You will have to get a remanufactured bow if it is cracked, unless someone out
there knows a good way to repair one.
I hope this helps,
Jeff SRL#486