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Re[4]: tire pressure

To: Tor Hval <>
Subject: Re[4]: tire pressure
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 98 12:15:22 PST

>Yes, but altering the tire pressure from time to time,according to who 
>drives the car whould not be to much of a hassle. But the other stuff 

That's true.

>Another question: you mentioned that we could compensate for the different 
>wheel/tire sizes front and rear by adjusting the rollbar. As far as my 
>father has understood, the only way to adjust the rollbar setting is by 
>replacing the current with at stiffer/softer one, is this correct? or are 
>there ways to adjust the current rollbar.

I was assuming front and rear anti-roll bars and, because the rest of the 
car seems to be set up a bit, that they would be non-stock.  Usually, in 
the world of unusual cars anyway, non-stock anti-roll bars end up being 
fabricated rather than bought off the shelf.  And if they are fabricated, 
the preferred design (front and rear) is one where the lever arms can be 
grabbed at various places, making them shorter (for more stiffness) or the 
whole length can be used by grabbing at the ends.

If they aren't adjustable (they can only be grabbed at one place), I'd 
forget about trying to selected new ones for varying stiffness.... too 
cumbersome and likely to make you end up with a collection of bars you 
can't use.

If the rear is adjustable, adjust there for front-rear balance after the 
front is set to resist sway at the level you want.


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