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Re[4]: Carroll Smith's Books

To: Tor Hval <>
Subject: Re[4]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 28 May 98 09:26:11 PST

>I think my father maybe mentioned that title "How to make your car 
>handle". But I think I am gona go for the Carroll Smith books anyway 
>when I have got the cash, because of your recomendations.

You'll appreciate the Smith collection.  The other one was mentioned because it 
involves spending less money and will still tell you quite a bit.  Really, you 
should have both.

 >Do you "only" have highways of high quality in the US(and else where)?
>My father is a bit worried that all your advice may not suit Norwegian 
>conditions. We have a lot of poor roads with rough surface. And a pathetic 
>max speed limit of 90 km/h ( approx 56 MPH), even on our best

 No actually (see my comments re bump steer in another post), although most 
 roads here are not bad, they are not up to handling real stiff suspensions 
 (better in warm areas like LA where I am/worse in cold areas like New 
 England where I'm from originally) conveniently.
 I would recommend that you do just what you're doing (especially since 
 your roads seem to be worse still in Norway) in softening your springs, 
 shocks and anti-sway bars.
 My main point remains, though.  I don't believe in tuning the stiffness 
 with shock settings unless you are just out of other options.  In the case 
 of Elans, having successfully raced my own and slalomed two others to 
 several championships, I can say that there are lots of options available.
 Have fun.

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