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Re[2]: Carroll Smith's Books

To:, Tor Hval <>
Subject: Re[2]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 28 May 98 05:19:43 PST
     There is a very useful book called "How to Make Your Car Handle" by 
     Fred Puhn.  Fred is from San Diego where he used to be a sports/racer 
     manufacturer (Quasar) as well as being the inventor of the solid, spun 
     aluminum road wheel (his company was called Chassis Engineering) 
     His book is a very good "how-to" book which has been the tutor for 
     many a successful race slaom and hot street car.

Subject: Re: Carroll Smith's Books
Author:  Tor Hval <> at CCGATE
Date:    5/27/98 11:02 PM

> The books will be useful even to the non-racer, particularly to the Lotus 
> owner, since he will help you keep your Lotus from self dismantling! 
Thanks (I liked the last argument ;) )
At the moment I think I have to finance the books myself(If I manage to 
get myself a job for the summer ;) ) My father checked a book catalog, 
and he said that there seemed to be other books that were more relevant 
than Carrolls books(I do not remember which).
Tor Hval <>

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