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Re: Re[2]: Carroll Smith's Books

Subject: Re: Re[2]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: Tor Hval <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 17:00:24 +0200 (MET DST)
>      To,
>      There is a very useful book called "How to Make Your Car Handle" by 
>      Fred Puhn.  Fred is from San Diego where he used to be a sports/racer 
>      manufacturer (Quasar) as well as being the inventor of the solid, spun 
>      aluminum road wheel (his company was called Chassis Engineering) 
>      pre-Centerline.
>      His book is a very good "how-to" book which has been the tutor for 
>      many a successful race slaom and hot street car.
>      Rod
I think my father maybe mentioned that title "How to make your car
handle". But I think I am gona go for the Carroll Smith books anyway when
I have got the cash, because of your recomendations.

Tor Hval <>

 Do you "only" have highways of high quality in the US(and else where)?
My father is a bit worried that all your advice may not suit Norwegian
conditions. We have a lot of poor roads with rough surface. And a pathetic
max speed limit of 90 km/h ( approx 56 MPH), even on our best

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