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Re: 7 list, hero stories

To: "Chapman Era List" <chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: 7 list, hero stories
From: "John Coelho" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 10:57:25 -0500
Erik Berg wrote:
> I think, given the nature of this list, you gotta assume equal time for
> mechanical stories and hero driving stories.  If you don't like the idea
> this, I think we may need to educate you.  I prescribe a trip around your

> local slalom course, riding shotgun, with your local hot-shot slalom
> piloting.  Goofy ear-to-ear grin guaranteed, or your money back.
> ;-)

(Slalom course? In Maine? Up here, a slalom is a place ladies go to git
their hair done. Ayup.)

Re the prescription:  Point taken. A lot of my cars seem to spend most of
the time on jack stands - maybe that's the reason for my bias. Also, I
wasn't thinking so much about competitive hero stories as "boy-racer" ones.
(I doubt I'd want my money back.)

But "equal time"? How about 60/40?

John Coelho 

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