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7 list

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: 7 list
From: Keith Gustafson <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 10:28:50 -0500
I always gets a little dicey when people talk about whats appropriate on a
list. I remember this thread going on on the lotus list and was amazed how
peeved people get about so many things.

I actually enjoy lotus cars as it is, fluff and all. Perhaps some people
have a rather high fluff/content ratio, but so be it. I get both lotus and
sevens in digest form, and I really like the lotus list because it is
numbered and makes it really easy to zip down and find a posting of
particular interest.

I think that the reason I say bring the Lotus seven people here, aside from
my own selfish reasons [tell ME what I want to know, dammit], is that few of
the  seven clone  owners, with obvious exceptions, Phil ;), have much
interest in the heritage of the cars. The frustration, for me, of the seven
list is not the useless information cluttering the list, but the almost
complete lack of useful info[again for me, not anyone else]. I could
envision that if there were a body of seven owners on this list, discussing
the stupid arcane problems they ran into, that it might have some value to
the non seven owning part of the group. I personally find the turbo esprit
content on the lotus list fairly interesting, both in the insight it gives
on the problems of newer cars, but also of the owners. I never pictured so
many late model car owners so willing to get under their cars and get dirty!


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