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Re: british-cars-digest V1 #763

To: british-cars <>
Subject: Re: british-cars-digest V1 #763
From: Simon Matthews <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:41:42 -0800 (PST)
On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, british-cars-digest wrote:
> Brakes are another place that I'm rather particular about.  I live near
> several mountains, and enjoy driving on them.  But brake fade is no fun at
> all !  At least once I fully expected to become a statistic ... the
> hydraulic system on the Stag failed completely and the drum rear brakes
> faded into uselessness with the result that I sailed downhill off the
> freeway into an intersection where the cross traffic did not stop.

Apparently you have not driven a recent Voyager down a steep hill. My 
wife's 97 Grand Voyager has experienced severe brake fade several times 
... arriving at the valley in Yosemite National Park .... arriving at the 
bottom of the valley that contains John Muir Woods .. etc..


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