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RE: Worth The Price?

To: "'F Underwood'" <>
Subject: RE: Worth The Price?
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:52:57 -0500
As far as dollars and cents, I started at $500 for acquisition of the
Ford. Since that time, which by the way now exceeds 12 years, I have
bought parts, tools, materials and most recently, construction of a
workshop. These costs have now exceeded $20,000.

Let's look at that...  $20K Total Expense Less current value (I have no idea
but say:) $4000

Cost to operate = $16K or $1333 per year.

Econobox - New: $20K Drive for 8 years. Value $4000.  Maintenance & Upkeep
$500 per year.

cost to operate = $20K or $1666 per year.

True; during the first few years you are driving a new car with no
(relatively) headaches.  
But - you can't work on it; you don't get the intrinsic value of the
head-turner, etc.
and you also wouldn't have the workshop, the tools, etc.

No brainer on my part ... 

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