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Re: Worth The Price?

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Worth The Price?
From: "Jim & Ann Brown" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 06:40:26 -0600

While I have suggested this before, the subject does come back to life now
and then.

If you indulge in a little rationalization perhaps you might feel a little
better about the economics of the ownership, care and feeding of (classic)
(vintage) (special interest) (just plain "old") cars -- (pick one, but only
one punch and no chads).

If one must look at this hobby as an "investment," consider the typical
two-fold nature of investments in general.  An investment generally offers
two distinct returns (if you are a more successful investor than me, that
is) -- capital appreciation and income.  The concern you express in your
posting, I would suggest, looks only at the former.  The fact that you never
"get your bait back" does not necessarily mean that you have a bad
investment.  You must also look at the income side.

I would suggest that the income you receive, while intangible, can be
immense.  This is the pleasure you receive from your ownership of your silly
little British cars, along with the satisfaction you receive from your
personal efforts in their care and improvement.  It includes the smile that
automatically comes to the face of an observer as you drive by.  It is not
unfair, in an economic sense, for you to consider this "income" element and
give it a subjective value.

Do this and you might feel better about it.  :-)

All the best,

Jim Brown
Bentley buff

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 10:56 PM
Subject: Worth The Price?

> It's come to my conclusion, that any certain vehicle has to be important
> the owner to put so much into it. I am speaking of trying to restore a
> vehicle, from purchase to rolling beauty. I am in the midst of having the
> body work and upholstery done on the P5 and it's looking pretty good. Of
> course I'm going to own the most expensive $3000 Rover, as Rover prices
> not really commanded Ferrari prices. My question is this: is it worth it?
> know a friend of mine that has a $10,000 MGB and he knows he can only get
> between 6-8K. Saloons get even less. I know this question has weighed
> on many minds. I can do the mechanical work, but the more expensive labor
> work I have to source out. There's also the wood work and the chrome that
> still needs doing.  Is it all without regret? Or should we all just buy
> import cars and park the old ones out back. Guess I'm wondering if
> is happy they did it instead of just buying a new car.
> Roland
> 52 Austin Somerset
> 54 Rover P4
> 60 Rover P5
> 66 Rover P6
> 67 Sunbeam Minx

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