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RE: parts

To: Colin Cobb <>
Subject: RE: parts
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 19:00:15 -0700

On Thursday, June 29, 2000 4:29 PM, Dodd, Kelvin 
[] wrote:
>       If a part can be made to work, or is unpretty, then a decision has
> to be made.  If possible we will rectify the product.  In some cases we 
> still sell substandard parts because that is all we have.  No one likes 
> situation, and yes we are taking advantage of our loyal unsuspecting
> customers.  If we do that enough, then they will no longer remain 
> The flip side, is that if we eat too many of these production problems, 
> won't care about customers any longer as we will no longer be solvent.

Kelvin :

Might I suggest that there _is_ another solution, that of letting your 
customers know that you are unhappy with the part you are selling ?  Yes, 
your sales of that particular part will slow down, but there will likely be 
some people still willing to buy them (you may have to offer a discount). 
 The benefit to you is fewer unhappy customers and fewer returns.  If you 
are selling a reproduction that doesn't look the same as the original, tell 
us.  I, for one, will probably still buy it, especially once you develop a 
reputation for honesty in advertising.  And, you might even be able to sell 
those tools by saying "We're not happy with these, but we're stuck with 
them, maybe you can get them to work" and offering them for your cost.

Selling shoddy parts loses you sales anyway, because the word gets around 
"Don't buy xxx from Moss, they're selling junk."  I rather suspect that the 
rumor long outlasts the fact, so you may even lose fewer sales by telling 
the whole truth.  There are already far too many people running around 
saying "I'll never buy from Moss again".

I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I think most of us would greatly 
appreciate a little more honesty from the big suppliers.


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