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Pulling engines

Subject: Pulling engines
From: Andrew Dooley <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 12:12:03 -0600 (CST)
   While pulling the engine out of my Midget is one of the many projects I
would prefer not to think about, the recent discussion brought to mind a
question I had been thinking about.  When I have to pull my engine, can I 
simply throw a rope over the trusses in my garage and pull, or would I
be better off to invest some money and buy one of those big, ugly, engine-
pulling things?  I have this horrible feeling that the engine will be coming
out more than once, and if having proper equipment makes this any easier, I'd
just as soon buy it before pulling the engine a few times.
   Incidentially, my Midget is back in Missouri, ahving survived the 450 mile
trip back to school.  She got an entire new front end while I was on vacation,
and for the first 15 minutes of the trip she behaved like a real sports car.
I had to spend my entire vacation in an unheated garage, laying in a puddle of
oil and generally being miserable, but the first 15 minutes of my trip back
made the whole ordeal worthwhile.  It's a good thing, too--the arm fell off my
rear shock on the way, and the remainder of the trip was pretty bleak.
   I think I've finally found why my car is giving me such trouble.  It seems
that many of the men in my family, when they reach middle age, have some sort
of mid-life crisis.  About this time, they usually buy some sort of little
sports car--so they can feel young again, I suppose.  Anyway, I seem to have
gotten this backwards.  I'm still young, and I'm driving a middle age sports
car who is going through a mid-life crisis.

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