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Re: BMW is the new James Bond car

To: Juan Moran <>
Subject: Re: BMW is the new James Bond car
From: Curt Onstott <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 23:44:38 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 24 Jan 1995, Juan Moran wrote:

> In the local paper there a news item that James Bond (of 007 fame) will not
> be driving the Aston-Marina but instead a "mystery" BMW car. THis is for a
> new James Bon character/actor and in a new movie.

[Please ignore the following if you like German Cars...]

(I warned you!)

Ugghhh!!!  It will probably sound and look like a riding lawnmower.  Will 
it be able to overheat and warp cylinder heads as efficiently as it's 
relatives?  (Excluding their new British acquisitions of course...)
Maybe  we could get Mrs. Doubtfire to slip .007 some cayenne pepper again.

= Actually, I'm not a complete Moron....  Some pieces are missing.            =
=-Curt Onstott      '70 MG Midget                                             =
=                   '64 Morgan +4                                             =
=                          ___________                                        =
= Don't anthropomorphize  /  _______  \             xx   _______   xx         =
= British Cars.  It      / /  /| ||\\\ \   __   xxxxxxx /  |4|  \ xxxxxxx   __=
= upsets them.          / //\//| || \\\ \  xxxxxxxxxxxx____| |____xxxxxxxxxxxx=
=                      | |||\/|| ||  ||| |   xxxxxxxxx M O R G A N xxxxxxxxx  =
=                      | |||  || ||____| |      xxxxxx ----   ---- xxxxxx     =
=                      | |||  || ||--//| |             \   |4|   /            =
=                       \ \   || || /// /                --------             =
=                        \ \ _||_||_// /                                      =
=                         \___________/          N A P A L M  B A R N E Y!!   =


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