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MGB tranny mount/ crossmember

Subject: MGB tranny mount/ crossmember
From: Richard Burger <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 07:30:04 -0500 (EST)
I have managed to missplace the tranny mount crossmember of an early
MGB (65) that we are doing with a friend.  It is here, no doubt, but
is bound by the law that it cannot reappear until a replacement
is on hand.  Anyone parting a suitable vehicle?  Any year to '67
will do.  Please contact with price requirements 
lso please
 note that we will be in South Texas between Christmas and New
Years so it may take me a while to respond.  All my friends and

tomers also please note that we will not be available until
Jan. 3.
Happy Holidays
Dick Burger
the British Parts Connection

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