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Re: a wild ride

To: Stan Fickes <>
Subject: Re: a wild ride
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 16:03:13 -31802 (PST)
On Thu, 8 Dec 1994, Stan Fickes wrote:

> I read recently about a video called "Rendezvous" which contains a
> ten-minute scene of driving 100+ MPH through Paris.  OK, so it's not a
> British car, but still sounds like fun.  Has anyone seen this video, is it
> worth watching, and does a local SOLer have a copy?  Thanks!  sf
> Stan Fickes                    British Cars

        Yes, Stan, I've seen it.
Seems it was taken from the front of a car that makes a lot of nice 
noises; my guess would be a high perf. V-8 (as in Ferrari).  It is quite 
amazing to watch.  I would assume it occurs in the wee hours, as it is 
barely light out.  The speeds are extremely high, without regard for 
traffic lights or blind corners.  Paris never looked so good.
        It's certainly a fun video to watch.

        Greg (move over, here comes some wacko in an exotic car) Meboe
        1985 XJ-12 H.E.

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