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SU Pumps

To: <>
Subject: SU Pumps
From: "Blair Engle" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 11:24:07 -0500 (EST)
Don't believe everything you hear.  I put two new AUA-25 SU pumps on my 1953
TD in 1978.  53,000 miles later they are both working fine.  Two, you ask?
I had plans to autocross, which later turned into 10 years of Vintage
racing, but I wanted a guarantee of adequate fuel supply and no cavitation
at 7,000 rpm.  Factory racing MK-II TDs came with two pumps.

Although not necessary I ran two lines from the tank to the firewall mounted
pumps.  I wired each pump seperately to two switches mounted out of sight
under the dash. (Theft protection?).  In that this is my everyday driver to
the University, I only use one pump for street driving.  On the first of
each month I switch pumps to keep them both limber.  To date I have had ZERO
problems with them.

Press on regardless,
Blair #199
50 & 53 TDs.
Blair Engle                        

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