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Re: Installing windshield and rear window in a GT6+

To: (W. Ray Gibbons)
Subject: Re: Installing windshield and rear window in a GT6+
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 12:56:30 PDT
> alimony.  If your wife or SO is your only available helper, think about
> taking the whole mess to an auto glass shop and saying: "Please put these
> windows in.  I don't give a fat rat's behind what you charge."
>    Ray Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics

This is the method TeriAnn has recommended to this list on a number of
occasions and I couldn't agree more having cracked the snake's
windshield while re-installing it.  A couple of years ago I had a VW bug
windshield replaced for $90 including the glass.  Well worth not having
to go through the hassle IMO.

BTW, the snake's cracked windshield is still in place.  New ones ain't


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