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Installing windshield and rear window in a GT6+

Subject: Installing windshield and rear window in a GT6+
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 13:07:12 CST

OK, this weekend I'm really gonna do it. Really. Honest. I've had new windshield
and rear window rubber from TRF sitting around for months, and I just haven't
worked up the unction to try to install them. Well, after a torrential rain
yesterday and wet floors, I've decided to do it.

Now, I know this has been discussed several times in the past, but I want to
clear up a couple of things before I dive in. At least I have two spare Spit
windshields I can use, so I get three tries!

TRF kindly provides a nice little ribbon to put around the rubber to pull it
onto the lip. OK, here are my questions:

1. Do I put the rubber on the glass first, then work it onto the metal lip
of the car body, or do I put it on the body first, and work the glass into
the rubber?

2. Do I apply some sort of sealer? If I do, won't it get on my little ribbon
and mess everything up?

3. Where the ends of the rubber meat, I noticed the old rubber is cut at an
angle. I presume that it what I want to do, too.

Any other advice? Of all the things I've done (including replacing a gearbox)
this has me the most concerned. I really want to make sure I get a good seal,

Thanks much!!!


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