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Re: Rustproof removal

Subject: Re: Rustproof removal
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 11:48:26 PDT
> So far I have tried engine cleaner and a heat gun with a wooden stick.  Has
> anyone tried kerosene?  Or is there an quick and easy way to remove really
> thick layers of rust coating?  IT'S EVERYWHERE!  I'm hoping to repaint most
> of the engine bay, trunk and exterior of my Spit but this STUFF is really
> slowing down the process.

If you are referring to the black tarry undercoating I've had good luck
with paint stripper; the stinky, highly caustic stuff.  I've never 
tried any of the water base strippers (like 3M) but they might work too.


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