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Re: Berry has a Bad Car Day...

To: sol <>
Subject: Re: Berry has a Bad Car Day...
From: Randy Wilson <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 1994 18:54:40 -0400 (EDT)

  I can think of two things to check. The first is very common on TR6's.
There are two restrictors in the fuel tank vent line. One is in the line
wihthin six inches of the charcoal canister, the other is in the line 
directly over the center of the tank. these things are a brass barrel 
with two hose "push-ons". When installed, you see about a 1/4 inch of
crudy brass. They have a *tiny* hole in them to reduce the vapor flow
rate. This hole plugs up with gum/varnish. The tank can't vent. No air
gets in, therefor, after a little of vacuum is pulled, no more fuel gets
 First, drive the car with the fuel cap open. If this corrects it, pull
both restrictors and clean. BTW, to happen this quick, the tank would
have to be almost full. That's the only way the vacuum would come up to
beyond fuel pump sucking range in that sort of a time.

 On one occasion, I ran into a TR6 with these symptoms, and it (after 
much head scratching) turned out to be something totally different. The
P.O. had put in a new fuel gauge sender, and throughly glued it in place
with RTV. Gasoline attacks RTV. The sludge that resulted did a nice job
of plugging the fuel outlet screen. 


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