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windchill, shipping cars to U.K., Spit title saga

Subject: windchill, shipping cars to U.K., Spit title saga
From: (Marcus Tooze)
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 94 14:14:16 CST
I just got a message saying the windchill is a bracing negative 70 outside....
whats going on?? (downstate IL).

I remeber at the end of last year exchanging mail with a guy now living in 
the UK, who live in the USA a while. He then went back to the UK, but also took
his american TR 6( ithink) with him back to the Uk. I would just like to know
how much it cost to get ot shipped across the pond?

(background...i bought a dissambled '75 Spit from a guy here in IL with no title
I tracked down the last registered owner in Mass. and he agreed to help me get
a replacement title)

Well, I thought I had this soughted. The origanal owner was v.  helpful,
but Mass. vehicle licensing was not! We sent all the necassary paerwork to get
a duplicate title, but i got a letter and a returned check saying that 
a title is not necassary for this age of car due to some Mass. law!! 
I'm going to take this letter to IL DMV to show them there is no title for 
the car as according to Mass. DMV and let the bastards chew on that...
I'm determined not to pay the $200 to that place in Alabama (yet!).


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