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Morgans in Michigan/Ontario

Subject: Morgans in Michigan/Ontario
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 94 09:01:30 EST
Fellow fiends:

I am wondering if I can get in touch with people on the british-cars
net that are also living in the metro Detroit/Windsor Ontario area who
are also at least one of the following:

-Morgan owners/lovers (I am very much interested in the marque but would
like to get more "up close and personal" before I launch into a serious
bid to get one and get into the "thang").

-Lotus Seven owners/lovers (same reason as above)

-Spridget owners/lovers/club racers (same reason as above, with emphasis on
the sprite MkI, MkIV and midget MkIII)

If you are any combination of the above and would like to get together
to share/impart wisdom/knowledge/warnings/denials/frothy german beer/etc
I would
appreciate it.  For my part, I am in the midst of a restoration on a
63 B roadster and also own a 67 E-type coupe (as well as a M---a) if anyone
in the area is involved in those cars and would like to survive winter in
the company of like minded fiends.

many thanks in advance,
Will Zehring (aka
"Hey man, you broke the President!" whats-his-name from the Firesign Theatre

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