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Re: Divorce hints

To: Flemming Larsen <>
Subject: Re: Divorce hints
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 1994 10:30:02 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 4 Jan 1994, Flemming Larsen wrote:

> Unfortunately, shortly after I got married (But honey! Where are we going
> to put the baby's seat?) the MGA was traded in for a Volvo Stationwagon.
> A few years later (after the divorce lawyers were paid off), the Volvo was
> traded for a Lotus Seven, a Triumph TR6 and a 33' sailboat, but that's a
> different story.
> - --Flemming "MY wife never bought ME a floor jack for christmas" Larsen

Hmm...  Sounds like quite a story, and like you had quite a lawyer.  There
are days when I wonder if I will end up with the PICTURES of my lbc after
my ex and her lawyers are finished.  That IS another story, better for
alt.couples or something than here.  However, for those of you who are
still married, and hankering for an lbc or tool, perhaps a useful argument
would be, "Honey, a (floorjack, compressor, welder, Jaguar, whatever) only
costs X hours of a divorce lawyer's time." If your SO is at all
perceptive, the hint may work. 

Ray (I bought myself a floorjack, but my wife has it now) Gibbons 

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