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Sprites and 3000's

Subject: Sprites and 3000's
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 08:29:36 -0500
In the latest issue of Chatter, the rag of the AHCA, there is an ad from
someone trying to sell a 3000 (he's willing to do it in country 
Teriann    :-)  

The seller was quite interested in trading for a sprite!  Either a Bugeye
or a '67.
(well, he might have wanted some cash thrown in too,
but that's really just fine print, details you know).

On Sprites, my '66 is now in winter storage.  I know this to
be true because it is under a foot of snow.  

Waiting for a thaw and a good rain here in Providence.......

Mark M. Banaszak Holl
Brown University

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