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It runs!

To: (British Cars)
Subject: It runs!
From: Jim Brannan <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 8:59:23 PST
Wahooooo!  Success!

My "new" engine was installed Friday, all the bolt-ons added, and it
fired right up!  Never died once!  What a rush!  It looks most
beautiful.  We had one oil leak (wrong washer used on the oil pipe
attachment for the oil pressure gauge) and one lower radiator hose clamp
needed tightening.  OH, and I did discover that the 45degree elbow for
the heater valve can't be put on after the head is installed because it
hits the rear stud.  Hence, a trip to the hw store for different parts
(yeah non-original but more beautiful and automotive looking than the
orig plumbing - oh well).      

The only thing stopping me from driving is the sticking carbs.  The plan
for this week is to work on the carbs.  Hopefully removal of the bowls
and some cleaning will do the trick.  They were rebuilt by the PO but it
sat for nearly a year or more since.  I'm sure new gas would help too.

Thanks to the net for all the "advice".

Jim Brannan                                             (1966 Red TR4A)
Rocklin, CA       
wk: 916-785-4776,  hm: 916-624-9318,  email

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