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Re: chattering noise in TR4

Subject: Re: chattering noise in TR4
From: (Michael Clarkson)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 16:48 WET
> From: (Adrian Jefferies)
> The chattering noise in question is my teeth! Its been cold here in the
> UK for a while now (though the cold snap has eased off today), and the
> net result is that the heater in my TR4 is getting overwhelmed causing
> it to pump out cold air.

  Hmmm. Is this a conspiracy?  The heater motor in my Mk3 Spit suddenly
packed in on the very day we got our first snow in Edinburgh, causing it to
pump out . . . nothing!  Apparently the MkIVs and 1500s have motors that can
be removed without the heater matrix, but not the Mk3s :-(

> The unit functions really well in hot weather (!) but when its cold out
> and the blower fan is on it cant really cope. Now, I sincerely hope this 
> provoke another thermodynamics discussion, but I'd like suggestions as to
> improve matters. 

  Does the TR4 system need bleeding?  The Spitty system certainly does - just
like house-type radiators.  I think you just undo a couple of the top hoses
and run the engine until water comes out.

  Alternatively, I see an occasional reference to (third party) ELECTRIC
heaters in the Triumph Sports Six Club magazine, mostly in relation to Heralds.
I've not managed to find out what/where/how yet but I fully understand the 

> Regards, Adrian

  Mike "Sorry, Officer, the windscreen mists up at less than 50mph" Clarkson

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