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Compression, indexing, want ads

Subject: Compression, indexing, want ads
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 15:56:04 -0700
I added in about 6 months of 1992 SOL mail to the wais server on hoosier.
Any day now I'll go thhrough ALL the SOL mail, index it and then set it
up so the nightly digest appends the days mail.  Yep, Real Soon Now.

As for my comment on propping open the air valves on SUs and their ilk,
I just happened to be needing a compression test on yet another derelict
I dragged home recently.  Propping open the valves resulted in an increase
of 5 to 10 pounds on a 120 psi cylinder.  That is, without the air valve open
I was getting 105 to 110 in the cylinders, and with the air valve open I was
getting 115 to 120.

So not a whole lot of difference, you decide if it worth the extra, though
minimal, effort.

And Bill Woodruff, who in some sense is the cause of a lot of Larry Snyder's
recent tribulations, had suggested maintaining a parts for sale and wanted
scheme of some sort on hoosier's ftp directory.  So I will add a new directory
to pub, called, hmm, autojumble, that's it, where folks can check for stuff
on sale and put info about cars and bits for sale.  I'd suggest you use
something descriptive as the file names, there can't be too many files named
"wanted" or "" at once.

As for why Woodruff is to blame, well, had he not picked up the GT6 parts
car, I would have had a spare GT6 diff in stock when Larry stopped by.  To
tell the truth, I probably would have only thrown it in the back of his car,
he would have still broken down in Wamsutter and had to fix it himself!


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