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Range Rover Questions

Subject: Range Rover Questions
From: "Illegitimus Non Carborundum, MSO2-3/G1, 223-5287" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 92 09:17:16 PST
        A couple of week ago a close friend purchased a 1991
    Range Rover.  I have not seen it as of yet, but his purchase
    prompts me to wonder about the following:
        - How reliable is a Range Rover?
        - Can he expect to go 500,000 miles if he takes care of it?
        - Will it nickel & dime him to death?
        - Can he buy parts in the after market, or will he have to
    stick with the dealer?
        - Given easy use, what can he expect?
        - Does it have safety features, such as steel beams in the
    doors, that will protect he and his young family in the event
    of a crash?

        Any comments on these or other points would be very much

                                - ken -

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