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Notes on Webers

Subject: Notes on Webers
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 20:20:44 -0700
A while back Gerry sez:

    all Weber manuals I have read state that the rubber gaskets MUST
    be present, and the securing bolts/nuts must have those funny looking
    rubber doughnuts.

Actually, the soft mount kits are most important on 4 cylinder engines.
Usually an inline six, like the Triumph 2.0 or 2.5 liter motors, run
smoothly enough that the soft mounts aren't needed.  But 4 cylinder engines
do shake the carbs quite a bit more, so I too would highly recommend some
sort of vibration dampening mounts.

And do pay attention to the mounting instructions, as it is quite easy to
improperly install the carb and break off the mounting flange, ruining the


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