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Re: MGA/B Engine/Transmission Position

Subject: Re: MGA/B Engine/Transmission Position
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1992 18:42:18 CST
Rob ( writes:
>  - if I lower the mounting point things fit better in the tranny tunnel, and I
>    have less "transmission tunnel customization" to do
>  - the transmission output also lines up better with the diff input (there is
>    still about a 2" drop from tranny to diff).
>  - the bad things about a low mounting point are that the top of the
>    bellhousing gets very close to the firewall, and the engine sits "tilted"
>    backwards in the engine compartment (maybe 5 degrees)

I can't see how a tilt of 5 degrees max would be a problem. Manufacturers tip
and tilt their engines every which-a-way to get clearance under the latest
designer-inspired sheet metal. Also, of course, the car as a whole is unlikely
to spend much of its travel time on a dead-level surface, so who cares if the
engine _within_ the car isn't at the same angle as the car itself.

I think one bigger consideration would be, as you mentioned, what sort of
angle or contortion you're putting on your driveshaft. The less the better.
Other things that come to mind are what the engine will hit when it squirms
on its mounts (e.g. your bellhousing/firewall clearance), and whether the
lowered mounting point will have a drastic effect on the overall ground
clearance. Good luck!

                                                -- Andy 

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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