> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 92 15:31:47 -0600
> From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@triumph>
> Subject: Clutch disks
> Every disk I have seen so far has words like "flywheel side" stamped right
> into the carrier.
Right, and this is precisely backwards from what my manuals tell me to
That was why I was suspicious. The instructions that came with my disk
that this is *usually* the side that goes up to the flywheel, but to be
you should check your manual.
Because of people's suggestions, I'm thinking that the problem might be
I have mismatched components. I'm going to replace everythign at once
time, and follow William Woodruff's suggestion to spin it in place.
If parts arrive, I'll try again this weekend. Wish me luck!