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RE: Triumphest & Water Pumps

Subject: RE: Triumphest & Water Pumps
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 06:33:34 PDT
Scotty dreamt, uh I mean wrote:

Actually I had 3 passengers and a driver in my
TR6 once, but that is another story.  So what's the record folks?
Anyone have 10 people in a sprite?

     >>"In" being the operative word here, I had three
     people "in" the Bugeye, plus all the associated gear,
     with the top up & windows on, driving Hwy 1 from Santa
     Maria to Monterey. Out of necessity, not adventure,
     mind you. "On" the Bugeye I've had five for a jaunt
     around the block. My personal record is nine, in and on
     my Sunbeam Alpine MkI, for about a two mile trip. Hey,
     it's wouldn't have been fair to only take some of the
     cheerleaders home (their home scotty) when their car 
     breaks down, so you just have to take them all. :-) 

               cheer and mass transportation-


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