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Triumphest & Water Pumps

Subject: Triumphest & Water Pumps
From: (Scotty Paisley)
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 08:25:53 EDT
Greg Meythaler writes:
 > wish the passengers had done so well, we saw a sign along i680
 > that said 102 degrees, we were about to die before we hit Salinas
 > turned west and the temperature dropped about 20 degrees.

Wow!  nice to know that the TR6 has adequate cooling for itself.  Too
bad the passengers couldn't sweat enough to cool off!  Wait a
minute...  You said passengers, (meaning more than one!)...  Uh, who
was driving?(!)  :-)  Actually I had 3 passengers and a driver in my
TR6 once, but that is another story.  So what's the record folks?
Anyone have 10 people in a sprite?

 > Mt. Shasta area about sunset, the sight of three TRs nose to tail
 > with the them sun setting on the moutain ahead of us, NEAT!

Cool...  Paul and I had a similar experience when we followed a Jag
E-type up skyline drive a bit...  Thanks for the report Greg, it was
fun reading and congratulations on a successful trip!


Bill Sohl wrote:
 > Anyone recently buy a new TR-6/250 water pump that can say if the
 > new ones from the regular vendors still have the grease fitting?

I bought a new waterpump from Moss last spring at their N.J. show.  It
was the last one they had and I couldn't have gotten home without doesn't have a grease fitting.  However, it does pump coolant
quite well!

"All the parts falling off this car are of the very finest British


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