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Re: parts registration

Subject: Re: parts registration
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 07:55:51 pdt
> From: Sarah A Sieling <>
> Subject: parts registration
> To:
> Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 8:45:18 EDT
> My husband, Roger, is an engineer for a company that designs the equipment 
> will be marking the parts of new cars.  This system will not only help 
> (hopefully) the problem of tracing stolen cars, parts,  and chop shops but 
>  help with
> the inventory systems of car manufacturers and parts stores.  An awfully lot 
> companies are using these part numbering machines on their machines for
> inventory purposes.   

Every piece on a Cobra chassis that can be removed with ordinary hand
tools has the chassis I.D.  stamped on it.  Knowing the way A.C.  Cars
operated at the time I'm sure this wasn't done for inventory purposes.
Was/is this a requirement for British built cars?  More than one
questionable snake was sorted out because of this system.

Roland Dudley

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