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RE: My car was violated...

Subject: RE: My car was violated...
From: (Scotty Paisley)
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 92 21:44:46 EDT
Man!  I just reread my post.  You'd think I had a sweet tooth or
something!  How many times did I mention the "s" word in my post
anyway?  Sheesh!  I guess I was on a sugar high or something...

Anywho, thanks for all the replies to my post.  As it turns out, Paul
Gilders and I are going to the car show in Waynesboro, VA (party-time,
excellent) in his MGB.  So the TR6 gets the day off, and we take
advantage of this great weather on the East Coast.

I'm planning on doing something about the gas in the tank on sunday
after I've had some time to think about what I want to do.  I've
decided to leave the car where it is for now.  Roland asked how the
fuel level was, and since my (#*&$ gauge reads low, I can't be sure,
but it appears that some fuel *may* be missing.  If so, only a gallon
or two.  (I can't imagine someone stealing $2 worth of petrol, but
that would explain the open petrol cap.)  Jean Hertzberg suggested
that I drain some fuel and let it evaporate in a container.  If any
particulates remain, we have contaminated fuel.  I think I'll drain a
bit before I go to the show and see what happens.  It'll be an
interesting test anyway.  I'm dubious that some gas companies may add
stuff to fuels that could leave a residue behind, but who knows...

steve valin wrote:

> I've had gearshift knobs stolen from my Bugeye before, too.  I don't
> know what the fascination is.

I think I figured it out.  There are n-1 gearshift knobs out there.
So, when a gearshift knob disappears, you have to go find one to
replace it.  So uh, Steve, where did you say you parked your bugeye?

Froot Loops,  (more sugar than cheer(io)s)


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